Without It

by B.T. Bonner

It's like waking early
and marveling in the glow of a morning sunrise 
that no longer shines
or meet someone new
and getting that feeling
that feeling that surpasses surreal
tunneling deep down to the core of a worn out soul
that misused feeling 
so often confused and misunderstood
that feeling that stands ready to serve God's purpose with you
but alone it falls like petals from a worn stem 
don't let me be misunderstood
the feeling is more beautiful than the rain drops 
that nature nurtures
the ripple of the evening tide
and even the birth of a first man child
so make peace with the day
draw it close to you
and hold on to it like morning
for tomorrow may bring rain

Without It by B.T. Bonner

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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