
by B.T. Bonner

 the movement of sound
 ponders each step
 before it beckons upon
 my soul's horizon
 a noisy ray of light
 filters through me
 awakening me
 from three years slumber
 overlooking a sea of black
 the mystery of my sorrow
 and mental disconnection
 unfold before my eyes
 revealing to me its true self
 my self-made prison
 lined with walls of despair
 disappear from around me
 and disperse
 into the atmosphere
 becoming one
 with the fall
 of my former self
 and from then
 I am no longer hypnotized by
 my self-imposed self hate
 and from now
 I am a new spectrum of light
 with life fluttering beneath my feet
 I elevate
 to the tune of sweet surrender
 and rejoycing away
 wasted years
 that grew cold
 from loneliness
 and oceans
 of salty tears
 now dried from heat stroke
 under an urban sun
 colliding to the Earth
 in broken fragments
 while a new day
 alive with tranquility thoughts
 and ideals
 blossom with the gift of sight
 and newly washed eyes
 now filled
 with opportunity and life
 stretch beyond the horizon
 reaching an infinity
 of knowing no hate
 or sorrow
 or pain
 or hurt
 just a new world
 with no walls

Re-surfacing by B.T. Bonner

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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