
by BlakSistah

The balance of life and the search for love
Storm and bubble and always mix up
My thoughts and speech
What is it that enables me to speak when you’re gone?
Since I can’t do it when you’re near?

I’ll shout it to the mountaintops ‘cause I don’t care
It’s you that I wanted
So you don’t feel the same I can live with that
If it’s the truth
Not that I doubt it
I just worry about it time after time
No amount sleep and no rhythm or rhyme can control 
The restlessness I feel from the thoughts that…

Have been the cause of hidden emotions
Secret wishes and broken dreams
But it’s not your fault

I was stupid to fall so hard
But I couldn’t help it
There is so much mystery within you
How could I not look deep into those eyes 
And see our future within them

I should have thought twice
Before I opened my mouth

But it’s too late  

Lost by BlakSistah

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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