In Absentia

by Beulah Gordon-Skinner

driftin' in and out of loneliness-
sista confess
nothin' less
why tolerate,
perpetuate distress
nights filled
like bottomless pits
wishful thinking,
brought via
masculine obsessions
feel free to reach ultimate goals
with or without significant others
whose love's
In Absentia.
life's filled with chances
we are branches,
not out on a limb
the conclusion:
there will be no more
broken like a heart
lost among the shadows-
depths of anger and despair
hell's everywhere,
but who cares if you choose,
or choose not
to carry the torch
handed down
for generations
a generation of sistas
both past and present

In Absentia by Beulah Gordon-Skinner

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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