My Prayer Of Love

by Gregory Battle

	Baby, this is my prayer of love, my prayer of love
	That I recite alone each night to the stars above.
	And I know this tender emotion is intangible.
	But my delicate dove, I’m hoping 
	My feelings are impressionable;
	For my yearning for your heart is unchangeable.
	Whenever I see your smiling face,
	Something deep inside my soul starts to stir.
	I’m wishing so much you’ll look my way
	While I crave an adoring togetherness to occur. 
	Standing nearby in the shadows, I spy an angel so stunning.
	This is why I convey my prayer of love, my prayer of love
	To keep my cherished idea of your secret pleasure
	   in the running.
	Yes, I’m frozen waiting for your lips to say, “I’m chosen”;
	And I’m supposing that I can be the tender slave
	Whom you pull so close to your satin skin like a glove ---
	Baby I sigh, “Stay near; stay near.”
	And hear my prayer of love, my prayer of love. 
	How often I try to push myself in your direction
	Just to give my sweet affection a shove.
	How often do I blush before your perfection
	As I begin to whisper my prayer of love, my prayer of love.
	But unnoticed, I resign and nearly lose my mind,
	Because you are the most beautiful person
	Whom I believe I shall ever find.
	Baby, to hold you once would be everything I dream of;
	But to hold you forever is my prayer of love, my prayer of love.
	I wonder what must I do to get a welcomed courtship visit
	From a charming one so rare and exquisite.
	For in your fragrant presence,
	I am so awed by your flawless essence 
	That I cannot express my fondness and effervescence.
	Baby, yes you are quite the cuddle,
	But all your intimate inclinations invite you into my huddle;
	I’m still clinging to that hope of getting attached
	And bringing you happiness simply unmatched.
	The odds seem an impossibility---yet I dare 
	To gamble that soon you shall dance in my arms with glee. 
	Darling, just give me that chance; give me that chance
	And all your romance will be my worship to take care of,
	For this is my prayer of love, my prayer of love.  

My Prayer Of Love by Gregory Battle

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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