House of Hope

by Gregory Battle

	There's a House of Hope standing upon a hill
	Commanding its scholars to bare even bigger dreams still.
	There's a House of Hope with each window lit like a candle
	Where heroes gather to train for the challenges
	Heaven sent them there to handle!

	There's a House of Hope sitting upon a hill
	Admitting an amazing generation of men
	Who were meant to trail-blaze and to build.
	There's a House of Hope gleaming like a crown
	Where Howard Thurman preached his sermons
	To tear impregnable walls of injustice down!

	There's a House of Hope which cheers ambitious souls
	To cross windswept deserts and daring mountains;
	Where the words of Martin Luther King and Benjamin Mays 
	Have kept hearts stirred like luminous fountains.
	There's a House of Hope hailing each new horizon
	As a sacred nest where feathered glory, benevolent leadership
	And prevalent promises its great legends keep devising.

	There's a House of Hope enduring like a pyramid
	And  a shining alluring place for champions to make 
   	   each bold and righteous bid.
	There's a House of Hope which boasts a renaissance of prayer
	From a legion of faithful brothers whose gospel and truth
	Shall lift humanity everywhere!


House of Hope by Gregory Battle

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