Come Sit A Spell

by Gregory Battle

Come sit a spell; come sit a spell.
Share a sip of water from the dipping well.
Isn't the air just fragrant with blooms of cherry?
We too giggly about how the cow jumped out the fence.
So glad the story made us merry.

Come sit a spell; come sit a spell.
Upon the mossy rock rest your feet.
Heard the big bass are biting near the bottom of the creek.
See that hound curl after licking some ale. 
Now he's propped on his paws like he wants to speak.

Come sit a spell; come sit a spell,
While I swipe the wasps and June bugs away.
Feels like I got straw pencils in the small of my overalls
From hurling up some hay.
Time to go feed the pasture horse
'Cause I just heard him neigh. 

Come sit a spell; come sit a spell.
Sh-h-h! No need to utter a reply.
Noticed you been picking butter beans
Since the sun leaped up so high.
Yulp that tweeze was only a whisker of a breeze
That landed atop your knees a yellow butterfly. 

Come sit a spell; come sit a spell.
My bench's open—never 'twas a jail
Since I'm just a tender sheriff.
Here take a soda pop—you don't owe me any tariff! 
Never mind my stretching before the next row of corn I husk.
Naw that orange sparrow is fading behind the pine.
Good-bye. Guess we'll unwind
When another tomorrow starts to rust. 


Author's Comments: Just a country charm written in a style akin to Robert Frost

Come Sit A Spell by Gregory Battle

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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