Return To Porcelain

by Levi James Baldwin III

Here I sit Once again…
with my porcelain brethren.
Mad as ten men…
who dropped a case of Heineken.
My relationship turmoil…
feels like it will never end.
I’m lonely, desperate and tired…
in need of a friend.
So I use my pen…
on this thrown of porcelain.
Hidden deep within…
four walls, shower and ceiling.
This is sanctuary…
my personal domain
None can enter when I’m on the thrown…
simple and plain.
I can’t spend my life in a restroom…
sheltered from the pain.
Real men face their problems…
firewalk through flames.
If I change the game…
then I’m sure to win.
Once I open the door…
problems ignite once again.

Return To Porcelain by Levi James Baldwin III

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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