Through A Blindman's Vision

by Levi James Baldwin III

Through a blindman's vision...
all things are seen.
Missing the power of sight...
everyone's a king or queen.
Religion means little...
and color even less.
Through touch he knows the beauty...
of a womyn in a dress.
His ears are like sonar...
hearing the rhythm of spoken word.
If your a liar he will know it...
and find your words absurd.
With a nose like the bloodhound...
he catches the scent of spring.
Along with the musky sweet smell of luv making
as passionate luvers cling.
Taste is pleasure that know's no boundaries...
once experienced and explored.
Every flavor exotic to the tongue...
knowledge and nutrition are the reward.
With all these gifts at his command...
vision is easily left behind.
Watching him walk calmly away...
I wonder which of us is TRULY blind.

Through A Blindman's Vision by Levi James Baldwin III

© Copyright 1999 CosmicDreamz Corporation. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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