What's Happening

by Amina Asha

day drifting away
signs of death portrays our streets
lifeless minds mingle in the bar
hopeless dreams wander on the dance floor
television filled with disaster 
baby mama drama
domestic violence
club hoppin, to club shottin'
suddenly life ends
where did everybody go?
We stand in a state of shock
full of electricty 
yet static, clinging on to our hopes 
Willie Lynch surrounding us as a people
scared, stingy, selfish, 
afraid of fist waving in the air 
screaming Let MY People GO kinda rebels
Like a silouhette we remain hidden in the back ground 
all because we didn't take the chance to simply.......love....

What's Happening by Amina Asha

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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