A Tender Touch

by Arthurine B. Rice

A Touch, warm, tender and soft
As a quiet night
Relaxes my tired soul as I
Stare into the glowing moonlight.

A Touch as tender as 
Tiny particles of sand
Causes a smile when I feel
Such warmth on my hands.

Laughing hysterically out loud
Making a dream seem so real
Fantasizing and reminiscing
About a touch only I could feel. 

Reaching into space, for I knew
Something wonderful was out there
For this personal reason
My secret would not be shared.

I sat on an old unique rock
Using it as a crutch
Waiting there in the moonlight
For a secretive tender touch. 

A Tender Touch by Arthurine B. Rice

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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