Black Truth.... Hidden Agendas!

by Arthurine B. Rice

Sickness, as it was profoundly  
Explained in my ears to me
Fraught with hidden agendas
No longer blind, I can vividly see!

Decoding an intrinsic message
They assumed we didn't understand
Facetiously sneering our race
Destroying inventions by our black hands.

Our dark frigid inner souls
Now brightened by outer light
To luminous to view by plain eyesight.

A rich black culture
So ingrained in minds with cerulean eyes
Infatuated with innate sickness
Strategy, an avoidance to acknowledge our cries.

Sickness, as it was profoundly
Explained in my ears to me
Fraught with hidden agendas
Still blind, why can't all Blacks see?

Black Truth.... Hidden Agendas! by Arthurine B. Rice

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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