360%, Again and Again!

by Arthurine B. Rice

Brothers and Sisters
Stolen from a native land
Again and again, there
Came slavery.

Brothers and Sisters
Were whipped
Again and again, there
Came insensibility.

Brothers and Sisters
Were massacred
Again and again, there
Came hostility.

Brothers and Sisters
Were isolated
Again and again, there
Came segregation.

Brothers and Sisters
Cried freedom
Again and again, there
Came integretation.

Brothers and Sisters
Were jobless,
Again and again, there
Came poverty.

Brothers and Sisters
Became educated
Again and again, there
Came dignity.

Brothers and Sisters
Financially stabled
Again and again, there
Came arrogance.

Brothers and Sisters
Were stressed
Again and again, there
Came addiction.

Brothers and Sisters
Committed crimes
Again and again, there
Came incarceration.

Brothers and Sisters
Engaged in Black hate
Again and again, there
Came demolition.  

Brothers and Sisters
Experiencing it
Again and again, there
Came slavery!

copyright 2002

360%, Again and Again! by Arthurine B. Rice

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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