You Read Me

by AqueenPassing

You found me on a cold winter’s night,
I was not looking for anyone, did not
even look all right but you looked inside
and found a spot that had been cluttered
you saw a gleam of light that had been
passed over by others

I don’t know how you sensed such a
presence there but you did not hesitate to
take a chance to show you cared you even
begin to dust the shelves that had been dirty
with age time had drifted on to other stages
turned to another page you did not mind looking
back to see what had been overlooked you
read me slowly and wonderfully like a good book

You replaced the torn cover with the
compliments of a royal heir as you gently
stroked and touched my hair you treated
each phase of our newness as a fragile page
you turned each one then when you were 
close to the end that’s when you’re reading 
really begun

I wondered what had you so curious to what
lay inside but you answered the question with
the look in your eyes I am very thankful for
the time you have spent not just loving my 
outside but for the love of my contents 

I will never be quite the same as you replace
me gently from which I came I know you will 
return time and time again because you became
connected with what you found within

The saying stills holds and true today
never judge a book by its cover you
never know what the inside has to say!

You Read Me by AqueenPassing

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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