Long ago ships landed on American
soil long strong rich toned legs
caressed the dirt for the first time
toes dug in backs bent from their
life’s toils and shackled dreams of freedom
Who is she smoldered in rich velvet
coco smooth as the midnight sky
she is an African American woman
what do you suppose makes her strong?
and why does her strength surpass others?
It’s her heritage her ancestors bones of
ancient pride which enables her to lift her
head high her only weakness is her own fear
but she becomes whole and concrete with her God.
Her only friend and teacher in life has been
her mistakes and Gods guidance in which he
has cleared the tracks not leaving a trace
gently guiding her with his ever sweet grace
She is victorious because she continues to
climb defeat is not an option she keeps
striving leaving the worst behind
She keeps standing tall because her faith
has been her anchor as she continues to stare
life in the face the sweet taste of success has
been worth the wait
She is beautiful because life has given her each
curve and shape an insatiable essence that gives
her sensuality its own place
She longs for love just as others do but
she loves herself when others don’t know how to
She walks with her head held high doesn’t
mean she does not know how to cry, she has
just learned early in life that the wind will
blow and you only fall when you don’t know
which way to go giving yourself enough
room in life’s capacity to grow
She is an African American woman today
because of her ancestors who continued to
guide the glow never letting her forget to
let her beauty transcend and just let it flow