
by AqueenPassing

A heritage of Kings and Queens
proud and strong even as slaves
they built this country with the
sweat of their blood

Our struggle still continues
our ancestor’s have passed the
freedom torch now it is our
time to run the race set before
us since the beginning of time

I moan and deep within my
belly emerges grievances that
are centuries old the smell
of gun powder and whip lashes
still seen upon backs of many

Will restitution be made on the
golf course or the killing fields
will barrels of hay stand in the
way or sacks of cotton will we still
be made to pick in the recess
of a black mind gone to waste

Still the alien status of brown skin
still not acknowledged and blisters
form on the hands of those who
toil with liberties cry for freedom
and I still struggle with manila yellow
skin that still can’t accept my hues of
brown and strength of blackness
as the moans of my descendants cry
longing to be heard

Descendants by AqueenPassing

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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