Can’t Find My Heart A Home

by AqueenPassing

As I meditated on some things
I thought of what the word 
loneliness seems to bring
I wandered why I can’t find
my heart a home, from
pillar to post it still roams

Thirsty from a well of water
ran dry in the silence of the
night I still cry everybody
needs somebody and nobody
can make it alone just don’t 
know why I can’t find my
heart a home

Alone so alone my 
sorrow of aching bones still
traveling to the ends of time
trying to remember those 
carefree and fun filled times
age is creeping and life’s bell
has been wrung, everybody
needs somebody and nobody
can make it alone can’t seem
to figure out why I can’t find
my heart a home

Can’t Find My Heart A Home by AqueenPassing

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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