The 3D View

by AqueenPassing

The course of my life I
have encountered holograms
photographic transformations
as I project myself into a
3D piece of work

I became enslaved in the
art that would not perceive
the perfection of my images
as I saw visions dance before me

I became a dramatic reminiscent
of my mother lost in a fantasy of 
a special father I have never
known never had as more programmed
images in my head never creating
solutions only intrusions of retribution
still declined with time

Never understanding that it was not
love I saw but fear so I created more
holograms to protect my image as
my illusions grew stronger the 
embellishments of a mirror became

elusive and my reflection begin to
dance with intrusions of deception

All the fabricated illusions of me the
fallacies all lead to the end of the maze
I was trapped with no escape forced to
see what I had only eluded in my mind
now the truth most be shown, but will
my mirror only show me the holograms
of past images I have claimed? or will
I now finally see past the perpetrated
deception and see not the 3D effect of
a computerized image programmed by

But break through, stripping away the 
painted fears seeing the truth and finding
the words to address myself boldly telling
myself I love me getting beyond the 
deceptions passing the mirrors light unto
the sunlight of truth a reality no longer
disguised but to only help me see that 
there is only one truth, which is who I am
is not measured by the hands of man or
society but the ardent love of God and how
I view myself

The 3D View by AqueenPassing

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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