
by Alicia Smith

Naked I stand with my arms stretched wide, naked and free
welcoming the rain, lips puckered to kiss the wind
cool fires ignite my soul as platinum drops of rain gently roll over my dark
shoulders,down gently and kiss my breasts-ripe like pomegranates 
and the rain wraps itself around my waist like loose chains of freed glory
and I stand naked to the wind 
as gentle breezes blow kisses over my head,
down my spine and around my thighs 
and I stand
beneath skies glistening with golden rods of lightning, vibrating
rhythmically to the sound of thunder
naked I stand 
beneath the whirling leaves of elm trees blown free from the grasp of
twisted and bent trees
naked I stand with my face toward the sky
as Heavens rain falls fresh over my ebony skin
washing free my troubles and smooth my doubts and easing the fears of my
burdened soul
silver kisses of Heavens tears wash over my feet 
making light their load and easy their path
as rhythmic bursts of cool sunshine wash over my head 
and make clean my golden tresses
naked I stand
beneath cloud covered skies that dip down and
drape over my ebony skin and cover me in shades of glory
naked I stand
beneath the elm tree dripping with natures love, 
washed clean of society and the elements that be
naked I stand
as my body kisses the wind 
and peace is brought to me on the lips lightning 
and the hands of thunder
naked I stand
as black as I can be.

Naked by Alicia Smith

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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