The Heart Of Our Dictator Will Stop One Day

by Akoli Penoukou

Heart of stone which does not feel for us
Heart of stone which wishes us evil
Heart of stone which beats feverishly that we still live
                        heart of stone full of venom
                        heart of stone full of impurity
heart which gives us irregular heartbeats
heart which pumps bad blood into our system
                        like the end of a gutter
heart which paralyses us with heart attacks
heart which makes us make only heart complaints
heart which lets us have heart conditions
heart which gives us heart failures
heart which sends us to the heart surgeon
heart which makes us seek heart transplants
heart which gives us heart troubles
heart of stone well fed on too rich food

one day will come the problem of cholesterol

the heart of stone which is apathetic to us
will finally break
give way
oxygen and nutrients will not reach the organs and tissues
waste will no longer be carried away
the heart of stone will stop beating
and we will be free to go about our business.

The Heart Of Our Dictator Will Stop One Day by Akoli Penoukou

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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