As another year comes to and end
I sit and remember my fallen kin.
My brothers and sisters whose lives were lost
In slavery, robberies, murders, and wars
What are we killing ourselves for?
I wish we could go back
Back in the day when the world was black.
The beginning of civilization
And human life as we know it
So many creations and ideas created
We were smart
But now do we show it?
Do we use our full potential as those who built the pyramids?
Or do we just sit back and wait for things to fall on our lapà
Until then we chill and ôjust liveö.
When will we stop waiting and believing in others who learned from us?
Should we decide to stop riding in the back
and be PROUD to be on the front of the bus? (Thanks Rosa!)
We should strive to be the best
Life is a test to see where your heart is
Be proud to be a mother
Be proud to be a father
Stop letting drugs and violence kill black kids!
There will be a time again when all mouths will confess
That Jesus is lord!
And every other name will be laid to rest.
Remember the time when we were at our best
Black man,
Black woman,
Black JESUS.