Skin Deep

by Zaki

i have a need to be up against your skin when we lay down we entangle too we create a perfect scenario our bodies become a seamless interaction a communication between god and man, i can hardly withstand the burst of energy the first of many cosmic explosions has its origins in my brain wavelength send sensual signals down to jovial recipients of direct orders i become a body mechanic assigned to tune you up under your hood i conduct a series of diagnostic tests you have a splendid engine we shun public opinion and allow no invasion of this divine intervention this is between me in you feeling blue when disconnected but the attraction is so magnetic that i am always certain of my return to your presence while i yearn for your essence and touch the lessons the lust the passion of this trust in the moment a major component of our growth in love wisdom the love system that we create is infallible unattainable by most and not due to us being reasonable

Skin Deep by Zaki

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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