
by Zaki

 She was like exquisite, designer clothes
     you know, like something you never heard of
 I often wondered what it would
     be like if I had her
          she was breath-taking
       deep into her soul is where I wanted to reach
 I would pull from her,
       the essence of her being
       the strength of her continent
     she was always on my mind
 motivating my thoughts to a whole new level
       I wanted to understand her
    she was beyond the average, everyday discussion
     she made more than sense
 my world did not begin to revolve
      until she landed on it
 she discovered me
     I wanted her to be my queen......

Amira by Zaki

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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