So long I cried hoping that I would change
But after years of loving things stay the same
I love women that much is true
But where the feelings come I have no clue
Are they from God the most high?
Or are they sinful desires that I have comprised
People often look at me and say I need help I am sick
But I have tried to desire a man tried to want dick
But to no avail has these feelings arise
That I might some hard peg man between my thighs
Instead I seek the closeness the softness of a woman's touch
Never could I have desires for a man as such
Believe me I too have questioned this sin
Can I pray forever and change that I am within?
Will God love me less and not let me into the pearly gate
Or is it only humans that I have to worry about deal with their hate
This is no choice I am who I am intended to be
So why doesn’t everyone stop being so critical stop damn judging me?
I want to be happy and have a good life like everyone else
So please stop telling me of how I am destroying myself
I love me just as God does from above
He cares not of my sexuality all he wants is my love
Now I’m not saying how I live is right or wrong
But I have to accept these feelings deal with them and move on
I love women always and always will
Nothing I do or say will change that's just how it is
What people think of me I will not concern
For my God is a loving one and this they need to learn
I am no less in his eyes than a thief in the night
I will continue to live for him and make the most of my life
So judge me not until you have walked in my shoes and lived my life
You may not understand but God knows my plight
He knows my heart my feelings too
He loves me still why can't you?