African Headache

by Nana Yeboaa

My African headache is bigger than the continent itself

My problems denser than the forest of Congo

People look at me and say, you are strong

I am strong like the might buffalo

Or strong like the elephant

Yet the slowly kill me spirit.


My African headache is bigger than all the seas around the world

My problems more dangerous than the white mans poisons

Yet people look at me and say you are beautiful

Which beauty do they talk about?

The gap between my teeth or the fulness of my buttocks?


This African headache has followed me to Oyibo land

I hear a phone ring and I curse whoever invented the phone

I take two Tylenols and then call back

My blood pressure needs to be monitored

Too many peoples issues from Africa

Has given me an African headache

African Headache by Nana Yeboaa

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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