Ernest Williamson III

Ernest Williamson III is a 31 year old African American polymath who has published poetry and visual art in over 120 online and print journals within a time span of 8 years. His poem "The Jazz of Old Wine" has been nominated for a Best of the Net award by the editors of "Thick with Conviction". He holds the B.A. and the M.A. in English/Creative Writing/Literature from the University of Memphis. Ernest is now listed in the prestigious Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers. Professor Williamson is also a private tutor and a Ph.D. Candidate at Seton Hall University. Visit his website at:

You can contact Mr. Williamson via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Ernest Williamson III


The Misfortune of Shallow Sight
The Picture Had Already Been Taken
The Value of Reinventing the Wheel

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