
by Willie L. Green

When I saw you
I never expected this
If I had, I never would've talked shit
Watched you for twenty minutes
I never recognized you
I never knew
Couldn't be convinced
My eyes saw true
From inside, old emotions again arose
Re-opening doors I once thought closed
When you spoke it hit me, like a ton of bricks
Swung on a chain
A state of shock kicked
And shot right to my brain
Instantly I cried your name
Immediately you got my  undivided attention
We spoke on times past
Kellie and Chris was mentioned
You even said Kaleb to my shock
Once again I was hit by those rocks
Was glad to know you kept up your life
I was proud at how Kellie had grown
Almost like a lost father
Who finally came home
I once made a promis to myself
That I hope to keep
If I ever had a second chance with you
I wouldn't sleep
So now here's my plea
I'm down on my knee
I'm asking you
No, I'm begging you
Come back to me

Untitled by Willie L. Green

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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