
by Willie L. Green

I saw it
I swear I knew
Though I hoped
I could pray it true
As if clairvoient
I could see from afar
This was merely an act
In this movie
You were the star
I pretended to believe
Thought maybe this was real
Though I knew that you lied
I know that's your skill
No I don't blame you
Someone else made your heart cold
I can't understand why
Some "MAN" stole your soul
So no
I'm not surprised
That your imply
Of returning to me
Was quite simply
A lie
But I saw the chance
I had too try
So now our words spoken
Suendered my heart broken
Leaving me with the pain
To remain my token 
but I chose to face the pain
Stand in the rain
May that hide my tears

Finalization by Willie L. Green

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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