Thirty Pieces of Silver (Three)

by Lionel C. Whitehead

For thirty pieces of silver Judas turned Him over
Like a common thief is so hard to believe
Know that it was Judas that never found relief
From that moment a new history started from prison
Formed on that day now called Christianity.
It was on this day Jesus entered the prison
The angels in heaven chanted humankind will now be free.

As Christians, the entire world maybe against us,
But we will stand bold and
We will fight the good fight
We as Christ followers will bring the truth of
The Message to the light.

No matter how many times we may die for God,
We will definitely give our all to do God's will
As we kneel and pray as we give praise, reaching out
To others to lead them to the light.
We as God’s children
Vow to fight the good fight.

Thirty Pieces of Silver (Three) by Lionel C. Whitehead

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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