Glory to God I tell you that man is awesome
Because God loves him so
I was just sitting here when looking around
And I heard the spirit say
There's very little that God has not
Blessed man to know
Look around you and let me share
Isn't it great about Miss Television and Mr. Internet
God has allowed two of the greatest
Communication tools man has
Ever known to wed
Both electrical and both is said
To benefit man as none other has
It took some real brains to do such a thing
Touching people all over the world
Making their work easier and children
Happy as they make the parents glad
Yet like everything else there are some
That uses this great work for bad
The two was wedded a while now
To reach the lost and hurting masses
Throughout this world
All over the world they have dropped
Off some of their off-springs
These bad fellows can do almost anything
I came to your site, one night a few months
Back to enlighten you about my place of resident
What drives me each day is the fact that
I know Jesus may return at any moment,
For I know He is coming back
I know tomorrow is promised to none of us
And I have this deed need
I need to be faithful each day to the work
God has called me to do, this same work
He has called many of you to do too
Every second of every day someone is
Dying and going to hell that could be in
Heaven if we had been able to reach them
With the hope of Christ
I give God praise and all glory for my life
And all those that I am given the opportunity
To tell the Good News too
I give God the praise and thanks for this wedding
That's taken place with Mr. Internet and Miss. Television
For Thru Mr. Internet and his wife Mrs. Secular Television,
We can and does communicate
Things that otherwise might get to the other side
Of the world to late
Once Mr and Mrs. Internet joined together they gave birth
To some powerful works Fingerprints, photos, files and
Even children and college students homework was made
All the easier
The couple gave man the ability to reach the lost and hurting
Masses and not only help them find real answers
In their hour of need, but the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ
Seeing the lost won for Christ is what I have given my life to do
With every waking moment, every breath until God calls me home,
my only objective and goal is to reach the lost with the Gospel
Preparing them with truth until Jesus carry us home