by Wendell A. Brown

An amazing smile has a special value
A vibrant kiss brings to a life so much zeal
An embrace is meant to be long-lasting
Especially when its intent is so very real

And the usefulness of a blissful dream
Becomes much better when it is shared
For words now begin to have more meaning
As their lasting aroma beautifies the air

And the need of pure love makes one to feel
Their hopeful prayers have finally come true
Especially in reality when you hold them close
Because the real moment you never want to lose

For what you had perceived to be freedom once
Was really only a very cold, and empty cell
Because once you have found your real  love
Each day of your life embraces a constant thrill.

Untitled by Wendell A. Brown

© Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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