I'm scared of the things that I see now
The world is so full of confusion
I want to love life, but somehow
My dreams are all full of illusion
The things that I thought made me happy
Have brought so much unwanted pain
The fact I allowed life to trap me
Just adds to the weight of the strain
The anger that I seem to carry
Comes from the hate that I've seen
If only the past I could bury
I could have a rational dream
One that doesn't have violence
Or crime as a way to survive
The night will be still with a silence
And people won't fear for their lives
No one will live in the street
There'll be plenty of homes for all
Dinners will always have meat
And children will grow to be tall
Drugs won't be sold on the corners
And women won't sell off their souls
Mothers will cease to be mourners
Of children who took the wrong roads
Churches will nurture the family
Gossip will stop being spread
Life will be lived as it should be
Our minds being spiritually lead