On The Down Low

by Wanda Paul

A double life, living on the low
Betrayal is a friend you cherish

You creep to the dark secret of covering your tracks, 
while you shuffle between the lives you infect 
with the lies hidden behind your eyes

Danger in the intimacy we share
Designed for you & me
That you desire to share with he

Nights out to that forbidden place of shame
When you creep to meet between the sheets

Refusing to give it a name, 
refusing to stake claim 
to a label filled with ugly disdain

So to your secret fraternity you remain true 
though that truth is one you refuse to reveal 
Where your trust is cherished & your love 
is believed by a life that hangs in the balance

On The Down Low by Wanda Paul

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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