The Love Walk

by Wallace Hathorne

The love walk is more than just talk. We step out with love in our heart, By faith we do God’s will, Knowing that our salvation is sealed. We walk through the valley and shadow of death, Fighting evil until none is left. Praising and worshiping God without ceasing, Seeing his kingdom on earth increasing. Loving all that we meet, Working to make his kingdom complete. The covenant we have in God, Was granted to us from the very start. As one body we walk with Jesus as Lord. Sharing the present of the kingdom of God. Our generations are the chosen ones, Destine to bring God glory. We walk in love and faith, Leaving a mark that no man can erase. Thank you Lord for giving me glory, Without you my life would be a sad story.

The Love Walk by Wallace Hathorne

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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