I Don't Get This Life

by Wahidah S. Yasin

I don't get this life of misery and pain...
We cheat, we beat we express no shame...
Black sons dying, mothers crying...
We kill one another with Assassins guns...
Police men antagonizes, brutalizes
and says he's not having fun...
Man get a grip before it's too late...
The ones that love you-you act like you hate...
crack mothers having babies to be sold...
unwanted infants left out in the cold...
Young girls bragging abut being laid...
Toothless pimps waiting to be paid...
What has happened to black pride...
Oh, crack has pushed it to the side...
Buildings being blown up sky high...
Can somebody please tell me why!...
School kids having shoot outs isn't it a shame...
Politicians trying to find someone else to blame...
They've gone insane...
Look at the situation in the street...
Homeless people can't find food to eat...
Their old friends pass them by
assuming they don't even try...
They are so afraid they'll ask for money...
The go home, have a good meal and think it's funny...
My heart hurts, I want to cry...
I see young men trying to die...
brothers bling, bling all over town...
You try to impress, I'm distressed, your bringing me down...
I just don't get this life of misery and pain...
Morticians complain when business is slow...
He doesn't care who has to go...
My brother what you might have been...
Give yourself a chance to start over again...
Consequences for your actions you must pay...
You could have a better life don't through all away.

I Don't Get This Life by Wahidah S. Yasin

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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