
by Jacqueline L Wade

Lord how deep is your love for me?
You made me and you loved me
Before I was capable of loving you
But it was your love that changed my life
Your love was wide enough to embrace me
 You filled me,
 With an everlasting love

It's a love that cannot be contained
Like a spiritual sweetness, gentle and fruitful
An attributes of your character
A mature love that is forged in dry times
The well that never runs dry

It's in that quiet moment when I pray
In that beautiful place of worship and praise
I can taste the overpowering presence
That woo's me from the earthly pleasures
Setting my heart ablaze with love for you
That has no boundaries

For you are righteous in all your ways
Giving me a place in your heart
Grant me the power to understand
That sweet burden of love
My soul thirst for you
Early will I seek you
Longing to encounter your presence

Jesus that lover of mine
Let me approach you
With deep love in my heart
You never let me grow cold
The sweetness of such encounters
That lured me away from the false love of the world 
All of the distractions and the addictions that clamor for my attention
But through perseverance in this holy life of contemplation
You continue to steal my heart 
Over and over again

Your love is so high
Beyond any depth
Any length one could measure
Extending across the universe
 In all you've created

Even when the dry times come 
I know you are near
As springtime mellows into the long days of summer
I draw closer to you
In you I've found
peaceful, true, eternal and amazing love. 

Love by Jacqueline L Wade

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