Unconditional Love

by Vivene Jones-Pruitt

Oh Lord why do you continue to forgive me?
When I do wrong and can't forgive myself.
Oh Lord why do I continue to hurt you?
When all you want to give me is eternal life.
Oh Lord why do I care about what other's think of me?
Before I think about what you want from me.
Oh Lord why do you continue to hold me at night
when my heart is uneasy?
Oh Lord why do you let me lay at your feet
and cry when you have convicted my heart?
You leave me with feeling your love
and your grace around me and inside of me.
Your love is amazing because it's your love.
Your love will always be man's first love.
The name of your love is called Unconditional.

Unconditional Love by Vivene Jones-Pruitt

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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