
by Violetta Joseph

My soul aches with the pain of heartbreak.

There is nothing that will appease the slashing of my heart and mind

I am broken and crushed.
Devastation has corrupted my very spirit.
There is a drought that gathers within, 

A dry, acrid, grit that propels itself through me as thoughts of him linger,

I have given everything but I should have given him all. 

I loved generously when it should have been all encompassing.

The burn of contempt scalding and scarring the flesh that once loved.

Endless water tides rise within me not solitary and no dam to wain the flow, no comfort

Sleep offers fits of dreamscapes that give hope only to awaken flushed and deprived of his presence.

The gnashing and gyrating pangs of a heart lost fill each second with a sorrowful echo of no reconciliation.

Death would be a perfect choice only the last ebbing thoughts would be of him

There is no joy in this life without him.

Heartbreak by Violetta Joseph

© Copyright 1994. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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