Verna Mae Bentley-Krause

Verna Mae Bentley-Krause is a 57 year-old Afro American residing in Germany for the past 30 years. She was born in Memphis Tenn, but moved to Coconut Grove, Miami Fla. all Black community at six. She joined the military at 27 to get to Germany. She says, "Next to Tina Turner, I am the second famous Black female in Germany. My first song is the alternative National Anthem and Germans stand with their hand over their heart as the flag singing 'I Love Germany.'" She has written for the past 14 years with several stories published by

You can contact Ms. Bentley-Krause via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Verna Mae Bentley-Krause



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