
by VaShon J. Brown

Don’t target me and my Cadillac
For the simple fact that I’m driving it and I’m black.
Don’t pull me over
In the afternoon for something minute as a disabled headlight
I don’t utilize them during the day
I use them at night.
Don’t search my Cadillac
For concealed weapons and illegal drugs,
Assuming Cadillacs are only driven by
Pimps, dealers, and thugs.
Do you go after others
Who drives the same car?
No, because you believe others 
Are always right no matter how wrong they are.
Stop coming into black neighborhoods
Looking for things that are not there,
Stop the nonsensical insanity and 
Professing to care.
It’s degrading for you
To habitually harass innocent, hardworking blacks,
The derivation of your conduct comes from
You hating the fact that we can afford to buy and drive Cadillacs.

Cadillacs by VaShon J. Brown

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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