What is it about me?
You see something I don't see?
Must be as you continue to fight me
Why do you dislike me?
Your disdain for me
Must come from your pain
You see?
Life is a gift and I shall live it.
You have a choice so choose wisely.
Get over it. Get over being angry with me.
Sister set your self free.
Release it.
What is it about me?
You see something I don't see?
Listenà there is no battle with you and me
Sister, I am free.
Be free. Let it go. Rise above it.
Is that what is about me?
Is it the choices I make?
Is that what it is about me?
Is it the risk's? The ones your afraid to take?
I am just being me. Not sister fake.
I head my own club.
Only a select few can join.
Club real! Hey!!!!
Club real... is on the Real.
About this name. Uh, how do you feel?
Be free
Be free
Be free
And join me.