What Is It?

by Vanessa Richardson

What is it about me?

You see something I don't see?

Must be as you continue to fight me

Why do you dislike me?


Your disdain for me

Must come from your pain

You see?


Life is a gift and I shall live it.

You have a choice so choose wisely.

Get over it. Get over being angry with me.

Sister set your self free.

Release it.


What is it about me?

You see something I don't see?

Listenà there is no battle with you and me

Sister, I am free.

Be free. Let it go. Rise above it.


Is that what is about me?

Is it the choices I make?

Is that what it is about me?

Is it the risk's?  The ones your afraid to take?

 I am just being me. Not sister fake.


I head my own club.

Only a select few can join.

Club real!   Hey!!!!

Club real... is on the Real. 

About this name.  Uh, how do you feel? 


Be free

Be free

Be free

And join me.

What Is It? by Vanessa Richardson

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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