The Exit

by Vanessa Richardson

Noise. It could be heard all around her and inside of her. She was in turmoil.

She was utilizing the breathing techniques that her brother had taught her. It didn't help.

She bowed her head and said a prayer. She needed help. She was in turmoil. A glance at her watch revealed she had been stuck in traffic now for thirty minutes. There was an accident up a head causing traffic to stall. Like my life. She thought.

She continued her breathing techniques and her prayers. The sound of a horn blowing jolted her. Traffic was now moving. "Finally," Rosa muttered. Movement was slow but a least the standstill had ended. She glanced up a head and saw exit 12, she was destined for excite 14. Should she? She didn't want to get off too early. But she knew what her soul was craving for on exit 12. The atmosphere was beginning to change, casting aspersion to her decision. She was in turmoil. Traffic was still at snail's pace. Looking left she noted an African American woman in a red BMW.

"She looks so confident and at peace with herself," Rosa muttered. The woman wore a soft smile. Every strand of her hair was in place and she looked at peace with herself. "I want peace" Shaking her head. She continued her breathing techniques. Exit 12 or 14? The sky had darkened. "Looks like it's going to rain." She hated driving in the rain. The rain made it hard for her to see how to drive. The rain forced her to minimize her speed. She loved consistency.

Light rain she could manage. It was the heavy rain, the darkening of the clouds, and the wind's fierceness, that made her balk. Heavy rain made her reliant. Rosa would rely on the help of her car and its gadgets. The windshield wipers, she needed those to keep her from becoming visually impaired. Her emergency flashers, she needed this to stand out making others aware of her presence. She felt vulnerable when it rained heavily. She did not want it to rain! She didn't want a lot of things. It was definitely raining in her life. What made her feel vulnerable was not having answers to her many questions.

"It is what it is." Words her mother often impressed upon her. Her mother impressed many words upon her. Admittedly, her advice was always sound, yet not always received. Hurt can do that to a person. Yet her words would resonate and often time bring her out of the most trying of times. "Rosa, it's a problem if you make it one." Decision made she exited on 12. As if rebelling against her decision the heavens released its fervor. The rain fell hard and fast. The drops pelted onto the window. Rosa turned the wipers to full speed. Swoosh, Swoosh, And Swoosh. Rosa felt an inward battle arising. "It is really raining. I should turn around. I should pull over" Indecisiveness, wanted to over take her.

"When will the rain stop?" Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh, sang her wipers. The heavy winds caused her vehicle to swerve. She felt alone on this journey. She felt cold. Turning on her heat, Rosa realized that it was an inward chill. She wanted warmth. The rain continued. The wipers sounds mocked her. Quit, quit, quit. Tears coursed down her cheeks. Rosa grew tired. She was tired problems, it was there when she slept, there when she awoke. She was tired of being tired; she was tired of the self imposed isolation. She wantedàneeded to feel loved. To feel belonged. As if on cue her tears ceased. Crazy! crazy, but it seemed that sound of her wipers changed. Push, Push, Push. a giggle emitted from her mouth.

Reaching her destination she was aware of two things. The rain had slowed and the clouds were dissipating. The world looked refreshed. Exiting her car she could smell the freshness brought on by the rain. She felt refreshed. She walked to the edge of the pond. Looking into pond's image of herself. She made a decision. She decided that she would be happy and live. Dejection and misery vied for her attention daily, and daily she would entertain them. But no more.

The image was transforming, her brown eyes was shining brightly. Her skin had a warm glow to it. The transformation was startling even to her. She never smiled so hard, it gave her a different look. "Who are you?" Another giggle escaped. "I am going to love getting to know, me all over again." Turning to leave, she glanced at the pool's image of herself one more time. "You are loved and you are needed, know this and believe these. The storm is over now."

The Exit by Vanessa Richardson

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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