A Message To All My Friends

by Vamecia L. Powell

I said a prayer for you last night, on my way to bed.
And the first news I received when I awoke was that you were found dead.

They said you were in a fatal accident on your way back home,
And by the time the paramedics came you were already gone.

Oh God I cried, My God I cried but I prayed all last night.
I cried to you, I glorified you, God, I prayed with all my might.

He answered in a still small voice in response to my loud plea. 
He told me to listen because he had something very important to tell me.

He said to me, yes my child I heard your fervent prayer,
I heard you pray over here and I heard you over there.

I heard you ask me to bless all your friends, 
I heard you ask forgiveness for all of your sins.

I heard you say I love you Lord, I heard it all so well,
I even heard you say a special prayer for those who are burning in hell.

But my child what I did not hear was the prayers of all your friends,
I heard you pray on their behalf
but they didn't ask for cleansing of their own sins.

See my child you know the importance of standing in the gap for others,
You know the principle of praying for your sisters
and praying for your brothers.

I love you my child but you must understand,
that your sisters and brothers must possess their own land.

They can't go to heaven off the prayers of you.
They have to get down on their knees and pray to me too.

A Message To All My Friends by Vamecia L. Powell

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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