My Girlfriends

by Ibflowin

Having friends like Girlfriends, Friends, and Sisters combined

Not quite like Desperate Housewives, "you are my sunshine"

My breathe of fresh air

The reason I'm sane

I hear kids all day screaming my name

Mama this, mama that

Sign here, initial that

"Why my kid can't read?"

[Did you read to your seed?]

"Why you gave me an F?"

"Honey any food left?"

"Baby you listening to me?"


So I call up my buddy

I need a break from hubby!

Put the gradebook down!

Talk about old times

Laugh. Cry. Talk. Laugh. Be free!

Not that love is bondage (it's beautiful!)

And working hard is harmless

But every now and then I feel a need

To be with Joan, Maya, Lynn and Toni

My girlfriends.

My Girlfriends by Ibflowin

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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