Valette E. | Adams |
Valette Adams currently resides in Queens, New York. A mother of two sons, Timothy and Lavell...
She states "A Daughter of the Most High God, grateful unto Him and His Son, Jesus Christ for the gift of salvation. And appreciate the Person of the Holy Spirit for His leading and guiding me in and through all things that are True. I am so in love with our Lord and grateful for the passion that stirs me to write...minister to another heart as well as my own!!! I dare not take it for is too precious. These collection of writings are from The Heart of The Father, for He desires to impart unto us His devoted love and adoration to us and for us. I take no credit for this gift, for it flows through me as the "living waters" He spoke is definitely from His Heart. I am an honored and willing vessel."
You can contact Ms. Adams via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.