The Potion

by Valerie M.

Dark, smooth and chocolate easy to
The senses, smelling of pure toxicants 
To drive you crazy with pure passion
To make you want to loose your mind
Glowing and shining appealing to 
The pure senses of your inner thoughts
And needs, making you want to explore
Deeper inside to find out what makes 
This potion so potent and powerful
Just the mere thought of capturing it
Make you yield to any and everything
It grabs at the very soul of you pulling you
In deeper and deeper each time you
Look at its shape and outer beauty 
It’s enough to make you want to loose
Your inhibitions to claim it as yours
This potion so powerful and unique . . .
The Black Woman. 

The Potion by Valerie M.

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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