My Blackness

by Valerie M.

You see my blackness
As the color of my dark skin
Or the roundness of my hips

I see my blackness as
Strong, powerful and beautiful
Proud as an African Queen

You see my blackness
As the way my hair is worn
Or the way my words are spoken

I see my blackness as
A proud group of people
Standing strong in their beliefs 

You see my blackness
As a hindrance to all
You fear learning the history of me

I see my blackness
As a gift from God
A beautiful color for all to see

You see my blackness
As thieves and thugs
Dealing drugs on the streets

I see my blackness
As Kings and Queens
Inventors and leaders

For I see my blackness
As it's meant to be always
And forever in me
I see my blackness as love

My Blackness by Valerie M.

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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