Genuflection on My Daddy’s Hands

by Vince Vanguard Vainglorious

You lifted all those boxes with those hands 
and when it was time you gave hugs with them 
and held our small hands in yours

You played craps and shot pool with those hands, 
Mama said you could fight with them too 
but I never got to see those wars

I did see you hit a baseball though 
and on special occasions saw you tie a tie 
and often had the honor of having you tie my shoe

You cooked me breakfast lunch and dinner with those hands 
and I could feel the love 
even if the taste didn’t always come through 

You did everything you could with those hands 
supporting Mothers Brothers Sisters 
Aunts Uncles and even a Cousin or two

I am honored that you lifted all those boxes, 
because you taught me that it’s the kind of man you are 
not the kind of work you do 

Genuflection on My Daddy’s Hands by Vince Vanguard Vainglorious

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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