In My Soul

by UniverSouL

In my Soul
 life manifests at a pace
  equal to the revolutions of Earth
 There are births
 of rainbows and sunshine in heavy magnitude
 Sultry drums beat Afrikan rhythms
  as my heart dances in synchronized vibrations,
  connecting me Spiritually to the voice
   of my nation
 Clusters of bright stars form majestic patterns
  to solidify my position 
     in the breath of the Universe
 The singing of little brown children
  produce thoughts of freedom and happiness
  Burdenless smiles 
   of Nubian mothers and fathers create bliss
  Haunting, chilling screams of dead slaves
   cry out loudly for karma's justice
    for the protection of their 
     precious descendants
   Exists rememberance of when my people 
    faught tirelessly for freedom,
     under the burning rays of the Sun
   Lions roar, calling for the King in I 
    to rule as meant to be
     to honor, to protect, to love
       my Nubian Queen
     to be a father to the seeds 
      that I conceive
    Voices of Ancestors urge me on
     Instilling in my Soul
      the knowledge and wisdom I need to
       be strong.

In My Soul by UniverSouL

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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