Letting Go Is Not Easy For Me

by Truwords

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that I surrendered my childhood innocence to you
I just can’t forget.

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that you constantly lied to me
I just can’t forget

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that you kept me around for you door mat - 
to wipe your filthy shoes on 
I just can’t forget

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that you forgot about me and my needs 
I just can’t forget

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that we walked for miles on the beach 
and made love for hours on the same tracks 
along the same beach
I just can’t forget

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that you didn’t call me for weeks with no explanation
Damn - I just can’t forget

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that “she” called my phone (you couldn’t explain that shit)
I just can’t forget (especially this bull shit)

Letting you go is like forgetting 
that you couldn’t be honest 
and let me know that you had feelings for her 
or at least tell me you where fucking her
I just can’t forget

Letting go of you is like forgetting 
that you forgot about

Letting Go Is Not Easy For Me by Truwords

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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